Technology, Culture and Entertainment Innovation

Legal Notices

  • Categories:Contact Us
  • Time of issue:2021-03-26 11:48:42
  • Views:0
Legal Notices
This website was created by Shandong Luxin Ruihao Film and Television Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Luxin Ruihao"). Before anyone uses this website, please read the following terms carefully:
The materials, information and other content of this website are provided by Luxin Ruihao. Anyone who enters this website, reads any content, downloads any material from this website, or uses the information provided on this website means that they agree to abide by these terms. These terms constitute an agreement between Luxin Ruihao and you. If you do not agree to abide by these terms, please do not use this website. Luxin Ruihao reserves the right to update the following terms at any time without notice, and these updates will also bind you.
Rights statement  
The ownership, copyright and other rights of the materials, information, layout, patterns, processes, sounds, programs and other content of this website are enjoyed and reserved by Lu Xinruihao. Such rights are subject to the "General Principles of Civil Law of the People's Republic of China", The Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Anti-Unfair Competition Law of the People’s Republic of China and other laws, regulations, normative legal documents and related international treaties are protected. Any infringement of the above rights may result in civil, administrative or criminal responsibility.
We have done our best to review the content of this website, but we do not provide any form of express or implied guarantees regarding the correctness, timeliness, validity, stability, availability, and non-infringement of the rights of others. ; Does not guarantee the stability of the server, does not guarantee that you can browse, read, copy, and use this website at any time; does not guarantee the accuracy or accuracy of the text, graphics, materials, links, instructions, statements or other matters contained in the website content The completeness does not guarantee that the content of this website is free from printing, copying and other input errors. The "website operator" can change the content of this website at any time without notice. However, it does not guarantee that it will be updated in time when the content changes, nor that it will notify you when it is updated.
In any case, for any direct, indirect, incidental, loss to third parties (including but not limited to loss of profit, loss of information and data, and damage to property due to the use of the content of this website or the inability to access this website) And other losses), this website does not have to bear legal responsibility, whether it is a contract lawsuit, a tort lawsuit or other litigation reasons.
Links through this site are for the convenience of users, but the linked sites are not within the control of this site. Any user browsing other sites through the links of this site is considered to have not browsed this site, and is therefore No responsibility is assumed for received network transmissions or any other forms of transmission.
Protect user privacy  
We respect the privacy of our users, and we do not collect user information without the user's consent. We promise that we will not provide the user’s email, information and address to any third party without the user’s permission.
Termination Clause 
The agreement becomes invalid when either party proposes to terminate it. Regardless of whether under the terms stipulated in this agreement or under other circumstances, as long as you destroy all the software, files and all related materials obtained from this website, it constitutes the termination of this agreement.
Application of law and jurisdiction 
This website and website statement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China.

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