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During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Luxin-Rio achieved new technological breakthroughs

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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
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(Summary description)In September this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at a symposium of representatives of experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports: “In recent years, my country’s cultural construction has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes in the process of correcting the roots and maintaining integrity and innovation, and persisting and developing for the new era Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the creation of a new situation for the party and the country have provided strong positive energy."

During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, Luxin-Rio achieved new technological breakthroughs

(Summary description)In September this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at a symposium of representatives of experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports: “In recent years, my country’s cultural construction has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes in the process of correcting the roots and maintaining integrity and innovation, and persisting and developing for the new era Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the creation of a new situation for the party and the country have provided strong positive energy."

  • Categories:Industry News
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  • Time of issue:2021-03-25
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In September this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at a symposium of representatives of experts in the field of education, culture, health and sports: “In recent years, my country’s cultural construction has made historic achievements and undergone historic changes in the process of correcting the roots and maintaining integrity and innovation, and persisting and developing for the new era Socialism with Chinese characteristics and the creation of a new situation for the party and the country have provided strong positive energy."


During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's film industry continued to develop in a healthy manner. By 2019, the box office of urban movies has reached 64.266 billion yuan, and the number of urban moviegoers has exceeded 1.7 billion. 850 feature films have been produced, 51 animated films, 74 science and education films, 47 documentary films, and 15 special films, totaling 1,037.


Behind these growing and diverse spiritual and cultural "staples", the dedication of the older generation of film artists and the backbone of young and middle-aged people is inseparable, and it also benefits from the growth of young creative talents known as the "new power of Chinese film". , Created one after another excellent film works that are both popular and popular, reflecting the current social development in China and the people's continuous pursuit of a better life.


At the same time, as an audiovisual art, film is a deep combination of "art + technology". During the "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" period, my country's film industrialization has made great progress. The first "hard science fiction" film "Wandering Earth" was released in the Spring Festival of 2019 and achieved box office results of more than 4.6 billion yuan. The future will be under the "Science Fiction Ten Articles" policy. Inspired, there will be a large number of new science fiction films coming out.


今年9月,习近平总书记在教育文化卫生体育领域专家代表座谈会上指出:“这几年,我国文化建设在正本清源、守正创新中取得历史性成就、发生历史性变革,为新时代坚持和发展中国特色社会主义、开创党和国家事业全新局面提供了强大正能量。”  “十三五”时期,我国的电影事业产业持续健康发展。到2019年,城市电影票房达642.66亿元,城市观影人次超17亿,生产电影故事片850部,动画电影51部,科教电影74部,纪录电影47部,特种电影15部,总计1037部。  这些日益增长、丰富多样的精神文化“主食”背后,离不开老一辈电影艺术家、中青年骨干力量的奉献,也得益于被称为“中国电影新力量”的青年创作人才的茁壮成长,创作出一部又一部既叫好又叫座、反映当下中国社会发展、人民不断追求美好生活的优秀电影作品。  同时,电影作为视听艺术,是“艺术+科技”的深度结合。“十三五”时期,我国电影工业化取得了长足的进步,首部“硬科幻”电影《流浪地球》在2019年春节档公映,取得了超过46亿元的票房成绩,未来在“科幻十条”政策激励下,还会有一大批新的科幻影片问世。


In the field of technical equipment, various new technologies and equipment independently developed by China are booming. The newly developed Namos nano-screen system developed by Time China Film, a subsidiary of Luxin-Rio’s shareholding company, uses the industry’s most cutting-edge nano-optical technology manufacturing and processing technology. Compared with traditional metal screens, its optical utilization rate is more than 85%, which solves the problem of traditional screens. At the same time of filming, the clarity and viewing angle of film and television have been greatly improved, leading to a new visual experience of filming, and accelerating the pace of Chinese film from the "plateau" to the "peak".


In this process, Chinese films have become more and more known and recognized by the world. The "Chinese Films All at the Same Screening", Shanghai International Film Festival, Beijing International Film Festival, Silk Road International Film Festival, Hainan Island International Film Festival, and other rich and diverse external promotion channels and film festival exhibitions, have established a set of exhibitions for Chinese films and filmmakers. A bridge for international exchanges and cooperation. A batch of films such as "The Wandering Earth", "The Devil Boy of Nezha", "My Motherland and Me" achieved double harvests in overseas box office and word of mouth.


During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, through the efforts of overseas issuers, the road of distribution and projection to more than 70 countries and regions and more than 200 cities in North America, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, Europe, etc., has basically matured and achieved overseas Long-term and stable screenings in Chinese settlements. The overseas screening of Chinese films has successively expanded to the Middle East, Latin America, Central Asia, Africa and other countries where Chinese films are rarely shown, including Russia, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, and Mongolia, Nepal, Turkey, and Pakistan along the “Belt and Road”. Africa, Mauritius, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and other countries. Many countries and regions have achieved a breakthrough in the zero screening of Chinese films in recent years.

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